Artwork and Design During the Pandemic, Part One
July 06, 2021
PLEASE NOTE: I am sad to report that the artist's book and box I show here was stolen from the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center in April of 2022 while on display with the Science Stories collaborative exhibit. The assumption was that vandals destroyed my work and that of 3 other participating artists. There has been no follow-up other than an email expressing sadness over the loss.
In the early months of 2020, I accepted two dissimilar book design projects. Here is an overview of the first one.
Science Stories: A Collaboration of Book Artists and Scientists
In November of 2019 (it seems so long ago!) I was contacted by Tacoma's University of Puget Sound (UPS) and invited to participate in an unusual scientist/artist collaboration. I was paired with Dr. Rachel Pepper, a professor of physics currently teaching at UPS.
First: a note on what artists' books are. They are not necessarily pages bound into a cover. Book forms, as artists see them, can be series of images or structures whose parts are presented either separately or joined. They may or may not have words, even, but are typically sequenced as "pages."
Here are the six "pages" of my book presented as a folding screen with an historic side, and a contemporary side. The contemporary side features the research work of Dr. Rachel Pepper. The historic side features the work of the microscopist Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek of Holland.
Click HERE for the photos and video I provided for my artist's book depicting past and present research on the protozoa Vorticella convallaria. (My apologies for speaking so slowly during the video!) A video featuring Dr. Rachel Pepper is also included in this comprehensive website.
All of the artists' books in this collection are currently on display at Collins Library on the UPS campus until January 14, 2022. In March 2022 the exhibition will travel to the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center and in the fall of 2022, it will travel to Whitman College in Walla Walla. If you are interested in hosting the Science Stories exhibition, please contact Lucia Harrison ([email protected]) or Jane Carlin ([email protected]). Click HERE to go to the home page for Science Stories.