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January 2012

Hearts and Parts: Greeting Card Design

What happened?? I haven't posted since November 11. Must have been the holidays or something...Happy New Year to you! May it be healthy and prosperous.

While bustling about with festive activities and family gatherings in our home, I also had some assignments to complete. One was a Valentine card design that entailed a false start before I landed on the style that fit. Because we will be celebrating Valentine's Day in about a month, this seems like a good time to put forth a few of the composite roughs I created during the first stage of designing:


Script1heartcomp         Script2Heartcomp Script3heartcomp


The design specifications for this card were that the heart motif and the band motif were to be flocked in red with gold foil stamping on them. To achieve this mock-up effect, I employed PhotoShop to convert the black and white ornamentation to the color gold in order to emulate gold foil. Each band was created to coordinate with the designs within the hearts. The final design chosen was significantly different than any of these! I'll post it later on this year, as it will be a Valentine for 2013.