The Painted Eggs and from Whence They Came
Garden Resident #1: Wild White Strawberries

Playfulness with Letters and Letterforms: Picture Your Words

Yesterday at Letters of Joy, a calligraphy and paper arts conference sponsored by Write On Calligraphers of Edmonds, WA, I had 36 adventuresome students in two classes entitled Picture Your Words. The eager artists rose to the challenge of thinking differently about lettering and images brought together. They gamely followed a series of exercises I had prepared for them (if you are one of those students, know that I appreciate your hard work) with the help of a booklet I designed for the classes. On the cover of the booklet was the artwork shown below. It exemplifies the final exercise I gave them and was done with a fine black gel pen and Winsor and Newton watercolors. The original is 3" x 3.5". Can you read it? Here's to having fun with drawn letterforms and color. Try it!


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stephanie alaine

oh please do! i would love to see more. also, let's talk of greeting cards and letter illustrations...i think you're going somewhere with that! {and i'd love to be along for the fun!}

Jocelyn Curry

Hello Stephanie!
Thanks :-). I didn't think to take photos of the students' work (there's so little time for instruction, let alone documentation) but I will see if one of the students can send me a copy of what she did--hers was nearly finished in class--and I'll send it to you if it's ok with her. I'm thinking of doing more of this kind of work for greeting cards. It's a lot of fun to do. Spring joy to you, too!

stephanie alaine

oh! how beatiful, do you have more examples of the work? i would love to see it! wishing you a happy spring

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